Drain clogs are some of the most common problems with plumbing or drainage systems. Drain clogs might not constitute emergencies, but they need attention. Below are typical causes of drain clogs and why you shouldn't ignore the clogs.


Multiple issues contribute to drain clogs. Below are some of them.

Improper Use

Not every type of waste in your house can go down the drain; others require alternative disposal. Examples of waste that should not go down the drain include:

  • Fats, oils, and grease (FOG)
  • Coffee grounds
  • Eggshells
  • Flour

These things clog up your drains in different ways. For example, FOGs can congeal and block drains. Similarly, flour mixed with water forms a glue-like paste.

Debris Accumulation

Tiny bits of debris remain within the drainpipe every time waste flows down the drain, even if you use the drains properly. Over time, the debris accumulates and eventually clogs the drains. Regular drain cleaning is the best way to prevent such mishaps.

Improper Venting

Plumbing vents help balance the air pressure within the drainage system. A balanced air pressure ensures waste flows down the drain and not backward. Blockage or improper vent design interferes with the air pressure balance and causes wastes to accumulate within the drains.

Reasons to Clean Your Drains

Now that you know why your drains clog, you should know why you shouldn't let them stay clogged. Below are the top reasons to clear the drains.

To Encourage Fast Waste Disposal

Your drains remove waste from different rooms in your house. Clogged drains will slow down waste removal and become an inconvenience. For example, you might have to wait to use the kitchen sink if it cannot drain the wastewater fast enough.

To Minimize Drain Damage

Drain clogging can damage your plumbing and surrounding structures in different ways. For example, clogged drains might leak if they cannot handle additional waste and pressure inside them rises. The leakage can damage your flooring and walls.

To Prevent Drain Odor

Accumulated waste within the drains will decompose after some time and fill your house with bad odors. Secondly, drain pipes should handle both liquid and gaseous wastes. Foul-smelling drain odors can back up into your house if debris blocks the pipes.

Preventive maintenance reduces drain clogs, but it might not eliminate them. Luckily, DIY drain clearing efforts, such as using hot water, usually work. Contact a plumber for professional drain clearing if your DIY efforts fail.

A plumbing contractor can provide more information. 
